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Thursday, October 5, 2017

True composite and factor reliabilities

The menu option “Explore additional coefficients and indices”, available in WarpPLS starting in version 6.0,  allows you to obtain an extended set of reliabilities. The extended set of reliabilities includes the classic reliability coefficients already available in the previous version of this software, plus the following, for each latent variable in your model: Dijkstra's PLSc reliability (also available via the new menu option “Explore Dijkstra's consistent PLS outputs”), true composite reliability, and factor reliability. When factor-based PLS algorithms are used in analyses, the true composite reliability and the factor reliability are produced as estimates of the reliabilities of the true composites and factors. They are calculated in the same way as the classic composite reliabilities available from the previous version of this software, but with different loadings. When classic composite-based (i.e., non-factor-based) algorithms are used, both true composites and factors coincide, and are approximated by the composites generated by the software. As such, true composite and factor reliabilities equal the corresponding composite reliabilities whenever composite-based algorithms are used.

Related YouTube video:

Explore True Composite and Factor Reliabilities in WarpPLS

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